Saturday 9 October 2010

TerraScape Content Testers Wanted

Before I officially finish TerraScape, I want to know if each level can be completed, and with how much effort. If some turrets appear to be disproportionally good or bad, or if some enemies simply have no effective countermeasures, I'd like to know that as well.

That's why I am looking for some content testers, to help me test the whole game. You do not need to test the whole game, every help is appreciated, but some more thorough testing than simply figuring out the basics would be preferred.

So if you're interested, please let me know, e.g. leave a comment beneath this post.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

TerraScape and Moonlit Sit-Rep

Long time no see. But that doesn't mean I haven't been working.

Although TerraScape is almost finished, I will stall the final content blowout for a while. I still need to create two extra Melee levels, and I can't make Joszs (who's working on the achievement icons) work any faster then he feels comfortable with. That, and I probably shoud start testing each and every level with care. If you would like to test some content for me, please let me know.

I have, however, resumed work on Moonlit. Currently, I am fiddling around with the server and the online multiplayer segment of the game. I've got some problems with clients randomly getting dropped.

Therefore the next time I'll post will probably be with either the final version of TerraScape, or a semi-working version of Moonlit's War segment.