Wednesday 6 October 2010

TerraScape and Moonlit Sit-Rep

Long time no see. But that doesn't mean I haven't been working.

Although TerraScape is almost finished, I will stall the final content blowout for a while. I still need to create two extra Melee levels, and I can't make Joszs (who's working on the achievement icons) work any faster then he feels comfortable with. That, and I probably shoud start testing each and every level with care. If you would like to test some content for me, please let me know.

I have, however, resumed work on Moonlit. Currently, I am fiddling around with the server and the online multiplayer segment of the game. I've got some problems with clients randomly getting dropped.

Therefore the next time I'll post will probably be with either the final version of TerraScape, or a semi-working version of Moonlit's War segment.


  1. "But that doesn't mean I have been working."

    I hope you see it yourself. :P


    Oh en dat issue heb ik dus, als ik een medal krijg, in dit geval goud (ik weet niet van de andere medals) blijft de medal screen staan op de levels, in de menu is die er niet, maar in de levels zelf blijft ie staan.

  3. I just noticed that that is always when you get an achievement, I got "Panorama View" and it also got stuck on the screen.

    Also, it would be nice if you had a speed up button for the game, like x2 or x4.
    If you didn't add that on purpose, because you think it would make things too quick, you could still add it for a cash penalty, like x2 10% of income and x4 30% of income.

  4. @ Nr. 1
    Whoops, (non-freudian) typo.

    @ Nr. 2 and Nr. 3
    The flashing pause button (with the framerate on them) in the righthand corner should have made itself clear. If you click it, it unpauses the game (e.g. after you've got an achievement).

    @ Nr. 2
    Fixed it.

    @ Nr. 3
    You were aware that there is a way to skip the time between waves? Click the circle with the current wave number in it.

    As for the time between waves, I don't plan to add an ability to speed things up, as most of the time, things are quite hectic already.
