FFA - Free For All [2-10s]: Kill; Assist; -; -;
Each player earns points by killing others.
TDM - Team Deathmatch [4-10t]: Kill, [Kill]; Assist; FF; -;
Each team earns points by killing members of the other team.
WM - Wingman [4-10d]: Kill, [Kill]; Assist; FF, [FF]; -;
Each pair earns points by killing members of other pairs.
LMS - Last Man Standing [3-8s]: Kill, LMS; Assist; -; -;
Players do not respawn; the last one alive earns a bonus.
TE - Team Elimination [4-10t]: Kill, Survive, [Survive]; Assist; FF, Suicide; -;
Team members do not respawn; the surviving team scores.
DE - Dual Elimination [4-10d]: Kill, Survive, [Kills, Survive]; Assist; FF, Suicide, [FF]; -;
Pair members do not respawn; the surviving pair earns a bonus.
9L - Nine Lives [3-8s]: Kill, Lives Left; Assist; -; -;
Players can only respawn eight times; extra points are earned by the survivor for the number of lives left.
KotH - King of the Hill [4-10t]: Kill, [Control]; Assist, Control; FF; Kings;
Teams earn points by controlling one specific location each round.
Frag Rules: the Frag is an orb, used as a grenade. It can be thrown, but it does not explode. The Carrier can not shoot or use equipment.
Frag Rules: the Frag is an orb, used as a grenade. It can be thrown, but it does not explode. The Carrier can not shoot or use equipment.
CtF - Capture the Frag [4-10t]: Score as Carrier, Kill of Carrier, [Score]; Kill, Assist; FF; Carrier;
Teams earn points by bringing the other teams Frag to their own base.
FT - FragTag [2-6s]: Control, Kill of Carrier; Assist; -; Carrier;
Players earn points by holding the Frag; the Carrier must evade attackers.
DFT - Dual FragTag [4-8d]: Control (by partner), Kill of Carrier('s partner); Assist; FF; Carrier (only);
Pairs earn points by holding the Frag; the Carrier's partner must fend off attackers.
GRD - Guardian [4-10t]: Kill of Leader, [Survive]; Kill, Assist Kill of Leader; FF, Suicide as Leader; Leader;
Each team has one Leader; members keep respawning as long as their Leader is alive. The surviving team scores.
Av1 - All vs One [2-6s]: Kill as King; Assist as King; -; King;
One player is the King; only the King can score points by killing. Once you kill the King, you become the King.
Av1 - All vs One [2-6s]: Kill as King; Assist as King; -; King;
One player is the King; only the King can score points by killing. Once you kill the King, you become the King.
CON - Contract [3-8s]: Kill of Contract; Assist Kill of Contract; -; -;
Each player is assigned a contracted target and scores only by killing his contract. After he has killed his target, he is assigned a new contract.
Demon Rules: when players are Demons, Viri, Werewolves or Hunters, they can not use any weapon or equipment; they can only melee and 'jump'.
Demon Rules: when players are Demons, Viri, Werewolves or Hunters, they can not use any weapon or equipment; they can only melee and 'jump'.
VIR - Virus [2-10s]: Time Survived, LMS; Kill as Virus, Kill of Virus; FF; Virus;
One player starts out as the Virus; he infects others by touch. The last Survivor earns a bonus.
DDM - Demon Deathmatch [4-10t]: Kill; Assist; FF; -;
Each round, one team plays as the Demons and the other as the Survivors.
COA - Coalition [4-10d]: Kill; Assist; FF; -;
Each pair consists of one Demon and one Survivor.
WLF - Werewolf [2-7s]: Kill as Werewolf, Kill of Werewolf; Assist Kill of Werewolf; FF; Werewolf;
Each round, one player is the Werewolf. The Survivors keep respawning until the Werewolf is killed.
HNT - Hunter [2-10s]: Kill as Hunter, Kill of Hunter, Win as Hunter, Survive; Assist Kill of Hunter; FF; Hunter;
Each round, one player is the Hunter, who is partly invisible. Survivors do not respawn.
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