Saturday, 9 October 2010

TerraScape Content Testers Wanted

Before I officially finish TerraScape, I want to know if each level can be completed, and with how much effort. If some turrets appear to be disproportionally good or bad, or if some enemies simply have no effective countermeasures, I'd like to know that as well.

That's why I am looking for some content testers, to help me test the whole game. You do not need to test the whole game, every help is appreciated, but some more thorough testing than simply figuring out the basics would be preferred.

So if you're interested, please let me know, e.g. leave a comment beneath this post.


  1. Can't play Fraternity Match Level:
    ERROR in
    action number 1
    of Draw Event
    for object mb:
    Error in code at line 100:
    at position 34: Unknown variable wve or array index out of bounds

    I've completed story mode - no bugs found.
    About balance...seems bolter turrets is the best,other seems useless in front of them...may be fix? Also slow turrets are absolutely useless didn't used them at all...with the exclusion of special map)

  2. oh, and game crits each three times i launch battle

  3. Bug fixed.

    Bolters and Bashers should be placed in front of other turrets, as they remove armor and slow them down (resp.). Bashers are completely useless when ill-placed. I'll look into it.

    I'm not quite sure I get your second comment. Care to elaborate?

    Thanks for testing.

  4. I compared them a bit, the Bolter did not seem to do that much better than the Basher.

    I've upgraded the Basher's early level rate of fire and decreased the upgrade costs; I downgraded the Bolter's level 3 damage.

    Please do note that Bashers do very little damage early out. They are purely a supportive turret.

  5. well seems I was wrong about Bashers and Bolters.
    About second post, here is what it looks like:
    I launch game -> start a mission -> quit -> start -> quit -> start ->
    ERROR in
    action number 3
    of Create Event
    for object mb:

    Trying to use non-existing surface.

  6. Also, Arcade seems to be hard at starting, but after the wave ~20 monsters can't do anything at all. Seems impossible for them to break your defense. So, you can just sit and watch dying monsters.
    I've taken all misions on gold, though can't complete with gold some Melee missions:
    Need For Speed
    Heavy Equipment
    Keep It Spinning
    Double the Fun.
    All of them are absolutely completeable, though Gold is a bit chalenging.

  7. One more thing(sorry for bad English and spamming posts): achievment with killing Bulklings,Frostlings and Boomlings is very hard to get, because they are not attacking in Arcade mode.

  8. The "non-existing surface" error seems to appear when the game looses focus or priority. The error as you describe it does not appear on my pc; I guess it is pc-bound.

    The Arcade now features Frostlings, Boomlings and Bulklings. That is probably why, after a couple of waves, thing become rather easy.

    I'll try to beat those four levels myself, it is quite possible they are in fact unbeatable (as far as Gold medals are concerned).

    Thanks for testing and commenting. It can only help improve my games.

  9. I have changed 'Keep it Spinning's final wave.

    "Proof of concept" of the first three levels you mentioned; the latter is supposed to be extremely difficult. It needs a lot more testing, to prove we're not just doing it all wrong.
