Friday, 24 December 2010

First Atlantia Engine Version

Although it's not much, I couldn't find a reason not to upload an engine version. You can find it at the Downloads page.

The controls are ingame, the graphics are all temporary.

  • Walls
  • Water
  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Ledge climbing
  • Ledge jumping
  • 'Abundancy' can be changed
  • 'Frostiness' can be changed
The last two are going to be incorporated into some other mechanic; you won't be able to change them all the time in the final game.

What I need to do next:
  • Slippery ice
  • Swimming
  • Crouching
  • Sliding
  • Waterfalls


  1. Playing the character doesn't feel really good, collisions aren't supreme or whatever. But I'm interested in the result :)

    btw, I d'reccomend you using 'W' as jump-key :P

  2. Thanks, BMP.

    Well, the character sprites aren't mine, so they might not match the action at all.

    And the sprinting speed, acceleration, jump height etc are all variables; I'll do some joking around with them at a later stage.

    I deliberately did not use W as the jump-key. As jumping is really important in a puzzle/adventure platformer, and you do not need to use a mouse, I felt it'd be better if I spread the actions across the keyboard a bit.

    Also, W is used to climb up ledges, swim upwards etc; so I don't want to give the key too many functions.

    You'll be able to change the keys to your preference at some point. I might add it early on to aid testers (e.g. you).

  3. You should really use W as jumpkey. Spreading the keys over the keyboard isn't such a bad idea, however, jumping is probably a very important factor, so separating it from the other movement keys(A and D) is no-no(:P).

    I mean, A is for left, D is for right. And yes, W is for up, but not the 'up-action' you would expect it to do. Why place such an important key on the other side of the keyboard?

    Roughly(!) all platformers use W(or ^) as jumpkey, when A and D(or < and >) are the walking-keys. It feels a bit 'improper' when I had to press J instead of W to jump. When testing your Engine(btw: call me when you need me ;) ), I constantly forgot 'J', and pressed W, which resulted in frustration because I fell of a ledge.

    *recommends to use 'W', again :D*


  4. It's all about using both hands. I feel that playing a game with one hand just doesn't feel right.

    In most platformers, you also have other actions that need your other hand, e.g. using the mouse to shoot.

    In this case, however, there is nothing you have to do but jump and activate a switch. So it only seemed natural, *because* it's such an important factor, to separate it from your left hand. Now, you only need to use one key with your left hand (i.e. either A or D) and one with your right (i.e. J). Especially because one has to hold down the A/D key, but only hit J shortly to jump.

    Another issue:
    You now jump the instance you hit J. Would it be better if you jumper when you released J?

    I have duplicated the actions to the Arrow Keys. Now, Jump and Up are the same key (Up Arrow Key); this allows for some smooth jumping up ledges, but it might cause other functions to be impossible. E.g., it is harder to hang onto ledges, and doing ledgejumps is now impossible.

  5. I tested it, and this feels a lot more fluent to me.

    Succes ;)
