Friday, 31 December 2010


GMW #27 (the 27th dutch gamemaker competition) is about robots and building a game in only five days. I had several ideas that did not work out, and started only today (or technically yesterday) with my new 'semi-hardcore' platformer "Percy". The contest ends today at 23:59, leaving me with less than 23 hours to complete it. But I must say, I came pretty far in the couple of hours I spent on it, so my hopes are up.

Percy is a very simplistic platformer. It is however rather difficult. It's completely grayscale, and most of the graphics are squares or circles. The background is temporary.


  • Working engine
  • Death, respawn
  • Checkpoints
  • Coins
  • "Leap of Faith" level
  • Tutorial
  • Menu
  • Saved progress
  • Saved time records

Friday, 24 December 2010

First Atlantia Engine Version

Although it's not much, I couldn't find a reason not to upload an engine version. You can find it at the Downloads page.

The controls are ingame, the graphics are all temporary.

  • Walls
  • Water
  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Ledge climbing
  • Ledge jumping
  • 'Abundancy' can be changed
  • 'Frostiness' can be changed
The last two are going to be incorporated into some other mechanic; you won't be able to change them all the time in the final game.

What I need to do next:
  • Slippery ice
  • Swimming
  • Crouching
  • Sliding
  • Waterfalls

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Here are two screensavers I made. They were intended for personal use, but I can't find a reason not to share 'em with the world.

Bubbly Explosions

This one starts off with two explosions, each consisting out of a couple of bubbles. When two (different and  'aged') bubbles collide, they create a new explosion. And so forth.

Dancing Sprites

There are 30 'dancing sprites' in this screensaver; they usually move forward, but are drawn towards the closest sprite, making them turn and twist like little fish in a pond. Or something along those poetic lines. Download.

To install them, you should (after having downloaded them) rightclick and select "Install".

If you wanted, I could adjust them a bit; e.g. if you'd rather have a black-and-white (or black-and-cyan) version, feel free to ask. Having more or fewer bubbles or sprites is no problem either.

Friday, 26 November 2010

TCG Maker

I have come up with an idea for a program, rather than a game, currently called "Trading Card Game Maker" or TCGMaker. It is a, well, trading card game maker. Or at least an aid for people who want to make trading card games.

The point of the program is to allow people (including myself, to be quite frank) to easily create a template for their TCG cards, upload images, add attacks, values and elements and then print them. This would help you in keeping things consistent and not worrying on wether all elemental icons look the same. Also, it might be quite useful for people (including myself again) who have little or no artistic abilities, as pictures can be imported from the internet.

I am still working out the basics, but you now do have a way to include elements and action icons into the text.

Besides that, I have done some work on Atlantia, and should probably work some more on Moonlit's weapons. All in due time, I guess.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Atlantia Memo: Dimensions

This is a work in progress memo. It may contain spoilers or information that does not represent the content or quality of the final game.

Normal - water, standard, neutral, yellow; the natural state
Frozen - ice, still, barren, cyan; water is frozen and slippery, waterfalls are solid
Steamy - steam, slow, neutral, orange; water is vaporised, waterfalls are gone
Abundant - water, standard, neutral, blue; the waterlevels are higher
Snowy - ice, slow, friendly, white; water is frozen, waterfalls are solid, sprinting is difficult
Barren - dried, still, barren, brown; water is gone, waterfalls consist of a little sand, high temperatures
Thriving - water, standard, friendly, green; plants, grass and moss have grown
Deathly - abyss, still, hostile, black; darkness prevails, no plants survive
Boiling - water, fast, hostile, red; water is deadly, torches are extreme
Flooded - water, slow, neutral, blue; the whole level is flooded
Rushing - water, fast, hostile, yellow; waterfalls are deadly
Insane - ???, ???, hostile, purple; ???
Reversed - water, standard, neutral, yellow; water has inversed gravity

Monday, 1 November 2010

Forum Added

I've added a (quite basic) forum to the website, as to make it easier to discuss suggestions, illustrate bugs and show off your medals and achievements.

I'll upload the latest version of TerraScape sometime next week; it'll have some bug fixes, some balances and an epic intro thingy.

I have also worked some more on Atlantia; 've been struggling with the basic platform moves. You might be able to play some really early version of it, but I'd have to fix some issues first.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

TerraScape Content Testers Wanted

Before I officially finish TerraScape, I want to know if each level can be completed, and with how much effort. If some turrets appear to be disproportionally good or bad, or if some enemies simply have no effective countermeasures, I'd like to know that as well.

That's why I am looking for some content testers, to help me test the whole game. You do not need to test the whole game, every help is appreciated, but some more thorough testing than simply figuring out the basics would be preferred.

So if you're interested, please let me know, e.g. leave a comment beneath this post.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

TerraScape and Moonlit Sit-Rep

Long time no see. But that doesn't mean I haven't been working.

Although TerraScape is almost finished, I will stall the final content blowout for a while. I still need to create two extra Melee levels, and I can't make Joszs (who's working on the achievement icons) work any faster then he feels comfortable with. That, and I probably shoud start testing each and every level with care. If you would like to test some content for me, please let me know.

I have, however, resumed work on Moonlit. Currently, I am fiddling around with the server and the online multiplayer segment of the game. I've got some problems with clients randomly getting dropped.

Therefore the next time I'll post will probably be with either the final version of TerraScape, or a semi-working version of Moonlit's War segment.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

5th Place for TerraScape

TerraScape came out fifth (out of 24 contestants), a spot which I am sincerely happy with.

Although (obviously) I do not agree with the judges completely, they made some spot-on remarks and pointed out some flaws in my game.

Here's a translation of their commentary:

"Graphically a very well developed tower defence game. It's a shame you were unable to complete it before the deadline. (...) When you have finished a level, it is unclear how to return to the menu. The power-price ratio of the turrets and upgrades seems to be quite balanced. [The tower's stats are indicated with bars], but unfortunately it is not said what each bar represents. I later discovered that this could be found in the Database. (...)"

"Presentation: the menu looks neat, the ingame graphics are not as good and the trees look inappropriate. (...)
Originality: (...) The game is somehow addictive. (...)
Finish: Whenever I got an Achievement, the game stopped working. I later figured out I had to hit the FPS button to continue. A lot of attention has gone into finishing touches. Have you tested the levels? Some appear to be completely impossible."

"Very nice game, very complete. Really nothing can be said, except the interface, which is insufficient. (...) The turrets' and enemies' graphics are uninspiring, but on the whole very good. (...) The overall finish is very good and encourages further play."

I will especially pay attention to the interface. Although some problems I either can not or do not want to fix, I may add some onscreen range and building completion information. And I am stunned that I did not notice that I do not once mention the ability to pause and unpause the game by hitting the FPS button.

And of course, I will add and test more levels.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

New Website

I am in the process of creating a new website. This will allow me to post numerous pages, wikis, Q&A's, "report bug"-forms and whatever I please.

It can be found at, though it still lacks a lot of content. I have moved the download pages to this new location as well.

Also, I am planning on finishing TerraScape sometime soon, and have already begun working on Moonlit a tiny bit.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

TerraScape Arcade Redone

I have redone the TerraScape Arcade once again, this time really heating things up. Instead of being able to survive 50 waves, I died at wave 9. All turrets, enemies and difficulties will appear within 30 waves (instead of 60).

This might of course prove impossible, but high difficulty is my aim.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

First 'Post GMW' TS Version

I have created some more content to TerraScape, most promeninently more Campaign levels and more turrets.

  • 3 more Campaign levels ("That Itchy Feeling", "Reinforced" and "The Convoy")
  • 3 more turrets (Minigun, Multi and Support)
  • Some changes in the Statistics and Achievements
  • Some bugs and unbalances fixed
The Minigun Turret is strong and shoots fast, but turns slower than the Machine Turret. The Multi Turret shoots extremely rapidly and can shoot in every direction at once. The Support Turrets drastically improves other turrets' damage.

Unfortunately, these changes are not backward compatible with the 'TerraScape Statistics' file; the Statistics and Achievements might not make any sense. I could however edit your file.

I have 4 more enemies planned, and of course the rest of the Campaign. It is not unlikely there will be more Melee and Arcade levels as wel. And I plan on redoing the Arcade, making it much shorter and more intense.

Monday, 23 August 2010

TerraScape Trailer

I've created a trailer for TerraScape, you can find it [on YouTube] or down here:

It is not quite spectacular, as I am no good at creating videos.

I haven't done much since last time, but here are the things I still want to do:

  • Create the Campaign
  • Add more levels and enviroments
  • Add more statistics and achievements
  • Possibly add some more enemies and turrets

Saturday, 14 August 2010

TerraScape: New Content Boost

I have added an incredible amount of content in one day (working 9 hours straight):
  • 4 new enemies: Ghostling, Mageling, Swarmling and Camling
  • 1 new turret: Longshot Turret
  • 6 new Melee levels: Fraternity Match, Extraordinary, Need for Speed, Heavy Equipment, Swarmed and Mr. Invisible
  • Statistics (working)
  • Achievements (working)
It has become (if I may say so myself) a decent package, and I'm proud to have something worthy of GMW #24.

As always, you can download it at the TerraScape page and feel free to comment.

Friday, 13 August 2010

PC Back!


I've got my pc back! I must say I've got somewhat with of a love-hate relationship with it, but she's a beauty when (or if) she works. All I can do for now is wait.

Well, that and start computering like crazy.

For instance, I have about 50 hours before the deadline of GMW24 ends, so I need to work my ass of if I want to hand in a decent version of TerraScape. I'll see how far I get, I guess.

So why am I wasting my time writing this, exactly?

Atlantia Polis Hudrow

Lately, due to lack of working pc's*, I have been bored to death. But, with great boredom comes great inspiration. Not only in the form of memo's for Moonlit, but also as a new game idea.

The University of Utrecht (NL) has started an annual contest for GameMaker users (such as myself), called the Creative Game Challenge (dutch website). Last year the theme was Beasts, this year it's all about Water.

Which got me thinking. Almost immediately, I figured that I want to do something with this water. Some kind of (semi-)real water effects would be great. But not just fancy effects, but water incorporated into the game itself. As ideas tend to, this simple gimmick has turned into an actual concept for a game.

This game - which I have already given a name: Atlantia Polis Hudrow - is going to be somewhat of a puzzle-platformer; as the player, you must travers your way through each level, filled with doors, cranks, traps, steep drops, slow moving gears and of course water. Lots and lots of water. In fact, the game sets place entirely under water. Well, if neither the name nor the fact that there is civilisation under water have been sufficient: yes. The game is set in what is, frankly, Atlantis.

What I can tell of the story isn't much, because, well, it's just an idea; but this I do know: you are a deep see investigator annex treasure seeker (I'm thinking "Nathan Croft"), who happens to find Atlantis and gets trapped. The Atlantian civilisation has ended, leaving you in huge, deserted chambers, that are constantly on the brink of collapse.

Also, it will feature some texts in Atlanteski, the languages the Atlantians speak that I'm going to create. It will be somewhat of a dialect of Lurion. The game title is also atlanteski; it means "Atlantis, the City of Water."

I have until April 2011, so I'll be working on this game on a very low pitch. I am first going to finish TerraScape, before continuing work on Moonlit.

(* While I am typing this, I find a letter from Packard Bell, saying I can get my pc back. As far as I can tell, they did nothing but undust the fans, which probably means it'll start all over again within one or two months. I guess it's better than nothing, though you might have noticed this whole mess is really getting on my nerves.)

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Moonlit Memo: Weapons, Items and Perks

This is a work in progress memo. It may contain spoilers or information that might not fully reflect the quality or content of the final game.

Weapons (key examples)
MK23; USP45 (w/ laser); Desert Eagle; Taurus; P99 (w/ silencer); Glock
AK-47; FAMAS; G3A4 (w/ silencer)
M249 SAW; Brute
M1 Garand; Kerberos
Shotgun; M3; Jackhammer
Springfield; Dragunov; Hawk (w/ silencer)
Lasergun; Railgun
Feromone Gun

Stun (stuns and flashes enemies)
Tripmine (detonates on contact)
Proxy (detonates when enemies are near)
C4 (detonated manually)
Fusee (emits light)
Syringe (quick health boost)
Radar (detects movement nearby)

Sleight of Hand (decreased reload and weapon swap time)
Light Footed (increased speed)
Full Metal Jacket (increased bullet damage and penetration)
Camouflage (partial invisibility, especially when standing still)
Steady Aim (smaller decrease of accuracy when shooting, turning or moving)
Sixed Sense (detect explosives and sudden movement nearby)
Bandolier (more ammunition)
Bang Belt (more of primary item)

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Moonlit Memo: Story Characters

This is a work in progress memo. It may contain spoilers or information that might not fully represent the quality or content of the final game.

These are the characters (listed alph.) that are planned to appear throughout the Moonlit Campaign. Characters in bold are playable.

Pvt. David Allen, "Ghost"
Pvt. Nathan Baird, explosives expert
Cpt. Dale "Barbie" Barbara, retired 'nam and iraq veteran
Cpl. Steven Dunn
Pvt. Timothy "Cheshire Cat" McGee, "Rookie"
Pvt. Charles Miller
Lt. James Morrison, "Lefty"
PFC. Mickey "Mayhem" Peters, radio operator
Richard Portier, reporter
Pvt. Bartholomew Sanderson, "Saint"
John L. Smith, FBI agent
Sgt. Michael "Sully" Sullivan
Nikolao "Nick" Fastizarovi Huttarnanti, naupilan citizen, minor
Aleksandrei Zakritevich, russian warrant officer

Moonlit Memo: War Modes

This is a work in progress memo. It may contain spoilers or information that might not fully reflect the quality or content of the final game.

FFA - Free For All [2-10s]: Kill; Assist; -; -;
Each player earns points by killing others.
TDM - Team Deathmatch [4-10t]: Kill, [Kill]Assist; FF-;
Each team earns points by killing members of the other team.
WM - Wingman [4-10d]: Kill, [Kill]Assist; FF, [FF]-;
Each pair earns points by killing members of other pairs.
LMS - Last Man Standing [3-8s]: Kill, LMSAssist--;
Players do not respawn; the last one alive earns a bonus.
TE - Team Elimination [4-10t]: Kill, Survive, [Survive]Assist; FF, Suicide-;
Team members do not respawn; the surviving team scores.
DE - Dual Elimination [4-10d]: Kill, Survive, [Kills, Survive]Assist; FF, Suicide, [FF]-;
Pair members do not respawn; the surviving pair earns a bonus.
9L - Nine Lives [3-8s]: Kill, Lives LeftAssist--;
Players can only respawn eight times; extra points are earned by the survivor for the number of lives left.
KotH - King of the Hill [4-10t]: Kill, [Control]Assist, Control; FF; Kings;
Teams earn points by controlling one specific location each round.

Frag Rules: the Frag is an orb, used as a grenade. It can be thrown, but it does not explode. The Carrier can not shoot or use equipment.

CtF - Capture the Frag [4-10t]: Score as Carrier, Kill of Carrier, [Score]; Kill, Assist; FF; Carrier;
Teams earn points by bringing the other teams Frag to their own base.
FT - FragTag [2-6s]: Control, Kill of CarrierAssist-; Carrier;
Players earn points by holding the Frag; the Carrier must evade attackers.
DFT - Dual FragTag [4-8d]: Control (by partner), Kill of Carrier('s partner)Assist; FF; Carrier (only);
Pairs earn points by holding the Frag; the Carrier's partner must fend off attackers.
GRD - Guardian [4-10t]: Kill of Leader, [Survive]; Kill, Assist Kill of Leader; FF, Suicide as Leader; Leader;
Each team has one Leader; members keep respawning as long as their Leader is alive. The surviving team scores.
Av1 - All vs One [2-6s]: Kill as King; Assist as King-; King;
One player is the King; only the King can score points by killing. Once you kill the King, you become the King.
CON - Contract [3-8s]: Kill of ContractAssist Kill of Contract--;
Each player is assigned a contracted target and scores only by killing his contract. After he has killed his target, he is assigned a new contract.

Demon Rules: when players are Demons, Viri, Werewolves or Hunters, they can not use any weapon or equipment; they can only melee and 'jump'.

VIR - Virus [2-10s]: Time Survived, LMS; Kill as Virus, Kill of Virus; FF; Virus;
One player starts out as the Virus; he infects others by touch. The last Survivor earns a bonus.
DDM - Demon Deathmatch [4-10t]: KillAssist; FF-;
Each round, one team plays as the Demons and the other as the Survivors.
COA - Coalition [4-10d]: KillAssist; FF-;
Each pair consists of one Demon and one Survivor.
WLF - Werewolf [2-7s]: Kill as Werewolf, Kill of WerewolfAssist Kill of Werewolf; FF; Werewolf;
Each round, one player is the Werewolf. The Survivors keep respawning until the Werewolf is killed.
HNT - Hunter [2-10s]: Kill as Hunter, Kill of Hunter, Win as Hunter, SurviveAssist Kill of Hunter; FF; Hunter;
Each round, one player is the Hunter, who is partly invisible. Survivors do not respawn.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Please Stand By

My computer has been suffering (or actually, I have been suffering) from major technical problems, i.e. shutting off at arbitrary moments.

This means I am currently unable to further develop my games, TerraScape in particular.

Hopefully, I will be able to get a replacement within only one or two weeks. If not, I will not be able to complete TerraScape before the deadline ends. I have send the latest, yet incomplete version of the game to the head of the GameMaker Wedstrijd (Dutch GameMaker Competition) comittee.

I will keep you up to date as things unfold.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Saved Progress, Statistics, Campaign Preview

I have added a whole bunch of stuff; first and foremost, your progress is know saved*. This includes Campaign progress, Melee medals, Arcade highscores, Statistics and Achievements. The last two have not been fully implemented; currently, only your progress, the time you played and your kills are recorded.

* The file is called "TerraScape Statistics.txt" and is encrypted. Trying to decrypt or change your stats might result in loss of data.

The Achievements will unlock no special goodies or levels, they are just for show. And to show off, of course.

I have also added three new enemy types: the Leadling, the Jumpling and the Roachling. The Leadling improves other enemies' stats; the Jumpling skips forward when being shot at; the Roachling heals itself, making it quite hard to kill.

To aid you, you can now build a new turret: the Basher Turret. This close range turret slows enemies down and subdues them, making it very useful against Speedling and Jumplings (and other, t.b.a. enemies).

I have added one Melee level, which I have not been able to finish at all (let alone get medals for): "Double the Fun".

Finally, I have added the first Campaign level, simply called "One". It gives some introduction to the background story, although remaining appropriately vague.

Have fun!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Database, Tutorial, Difficulties

With a new TerraScape version come great new features:

  • The Database contains information about all (current) turrets and enemies;
  • A tutorial explains the basics of the TerraScape gameplay;
  • 3 difficulties: enemies have improved stats at later stages;
  • Names for the turrets and the enemies;
  • A new enemy type;
  • A new enviroment (the desert) and Arcade level ("Vast");

The current turrets are
  1. Standard Turret
  2. Bolter Turret
  3. Machine Turret
And the enemy types are
  1. Spawnling
  2. Speedling
  3. Shieldling
I currently have 8 turrets and over 15 enemies planned, but, as always, only time (spent testing) will tell which of those make the final cut.

Feel free to ask any questions, comment on the gameplay or report any bugs you find.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

New TS Features & Modes Preview

There are some new features:
  • a fancy menu
  • a new enemy type
  • a new enviroment/level

I have also come up with a general story line, which will be played through in the Campaign mode. The other modes are Melee, Arcade and Skirmish.

Melee will challenge you in multiple levels with fixed waves; you will score points for the amount of life and money left.
In Arcade, you will face infinite waves of enemies with all turrets available in numerous enviroments, trying to make it to the highest wave possible.
If you want to play specific matches, for instance with only one type of turret, you can play around in Skirmish.

Furthermore, I might include a level editor, although we'll have to wait and see how that would work out.

In the upcoming weeks I will most likely add the Arcade mode, some more enviroments, enemies and turrets. However, it is possible that I am unable to work at all for some days due to computer issues.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Wave System Added

I've added a wave system to the test level, as well as some other small improvements.

Within a couple of days I will add some more levels and probably some different enemy types and enviroments.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Two New Turret Types

I've added 2 new turret types and a menu to the game. The new turrets are one that is more powerful and has a longer range, and one that shoots in very rapid succession.

As always, the download link can be found at the TerraScape page.

Please make sure to comment on these posts if you find any bugs or unclarities, or if you just want to praise or criticise the game so far.

Friday, 2 July 2010

TerraScape Beta Download

I've redone the pathingsystem and the enemy's AI, as well as added some more graphics.

You can download the β-version from the TerraScape page (above).

R41LS TD renamed to "TerraScape"

I am dropping the rails from the game R41LS TD, because I found them to be obstructive to many other gameplay elements. As a consequence, I'll rename it, and I have chosen for the utterly meaningless TerraScape, a word I found and misread in an advertisement for a "terrascape" (or 'terrace-cape' in English). Completely ridiculous, ofcourse, but that's what I like about it.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

First R41LS TD beta version

After only a few days work, the first beta version of R41LS TD is done.

You can download it on the R41LS TD page.

  • Basic engine
  • 1 enemy type (no sprite yet)
  • 1 turret type
  • 3 turret levels
  • Turret statistics
  • A fancy HUD
  • Some sound effects
  • Other fancy effects and graphics
Have fun and knock yourselves out.

Oh, and if you find any major bugs, errors or flaws, please tell me, e.g. by posting a comment here.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

New Project "R41LS TD"

The Dutch Game Maker Community organises every so often a contest, and for the first time, I'm going to participate in one. 'GameMaker Wedstrijd #24' is all about games that can be played with only the mouse and the Left Mouse Button.

It is currently called 'R41LS Turret Defense', simply because the enemies move on rails (and because it is a TD). Here's screenshot taken after only couple of hours work:
I hope you're liking it so far, more information and ofcourse a beta download will follow.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Server Problems Solved

After some problems with servers and portforwarding nonsense, I've managed to get it all running again.

I've been spending these last few week mostly on conlanging, but I'm now back on track and working on the matchmaking system. The next version will hopefully include some form of FFA (though probably buggy as hell).

Thursday, 10 June 2010

New Weapon

Here are two screenshots of the new weapon:

Can you guess what it is?

Anyhow, I'm trying to keep working on Moonlit continuously, but there are only two weeks of school left, so I'll be quite busy with writing reports etc.
After that, I will probably have loads of time.

I'll keep you up to date.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Moonlit Sit-Rep

Here's another Sit-Rep.

All the points in the previous post have been fulfilled, i.e. changeable controls, server logs and encryption of the MPF.

Next I will probably work on:

- Grenade throwing system
- Stun grenades
- Offline human AI (which I am going to use for the Campaign)
- Tutorial
- Ability to create matches
- Online test chamber
- XP gain
- Coop Horde test chamber
- Player lists
- Backups
- Banners

I'll keep you up to date.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

First Public Moonlit Version Download

I have decided to upload the latest Moonlit version. It is nowhere near completion (for the simple fact that it lacks content), but here it is.

Please go to the Moonlit Download page to download it.

I will now continue with:

- changeable controls
- more options
- server log
- MPF encoding

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Sit-Rep before New Version

All of the points from my previous post (where I said the first beta-ish version would follow soon) have been more or less included, so I thought I'd give you a sit-rep.

- Log In system
- Saved options
- Connection to online server
- Online Lobby

I still have to add some finishing touches, make sure everything works properly, and I'll upload the first Moonlit.exe within a week or so.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Download Moonlit (pre-alpha)

There is a improved version coming soon (hopefully within a month or so), but because I'm going to greece for a week, I thought I'd upload the latest version.

Download Moonlit Orientation (pre-alpha) here [2.48MB] via Dropbox

Contents so far:

- 1 Horde level (infinite respawns)
- 1 zombie type
- 4 different weapons (MK23, Uzi, Shotgun and Springfield)
- Home-made zombie AI
- Lighting system
- Menu
- Options (some, not all)

Next version is (hopefully) also going to include:

- Log In system
- saved options
- Connection to online server
- Online Lobby

I have no idea when it will arrive, but I hope somewhere end May or in the first half of June.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Moonlit - Promises

Here is a screenshot I editted to show off some of the features Moonlit is going to have:
And here's an additional list of features:
  • Zombies (lots of 'm)
  • Runners, Demons, Boomers, Bosses and other creatures
  • Custom created AI
  • Online Server
  • Campaign (Single Player and Coop)
  • Challenges, Stats, Achievements, Cheats
  • Horde (SP and online)
  • War (Free For All, Team Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, King of the Hill)
  • Lots of different weapons (50 planned, more coming)
  • Grenades, Molotovs, Claymores etc
  • War Ranks
  • Braaains...
And to finish this introduction, here's a poster I created:
That's all for now.

Work in Progress

Here I will add stuff as I progress in the development of my games created with Mark Overmars' GameMaker.

I hope you enjoy it.